
Working Papers

“Oracle Mechanisms”, joint with Siyang Xiong

"Sequential Naive Learning" (previously titled "Aggregate Implications of Probability Matching for Social Learning Outcomes"), joint with Itai Arieli and Yakov Babichenko January 2024, submitted.

"The wisdom of the crowd and higher order beliefs", joint with Yi-Chun Chen and Mallesh Pai, December 2023, revision requested by Review of Economic Studies.

"Truth Diffusion", joint with Itai Arieli.

Published Papers

"As strong as the weakest node: the impact of misinformation in social networks", Journal of Economic Theory, January 2024, 105773.

"Naive Learning through Probability Over-Matching", joint with Itai Arieli and Yakov Babichenko, Operations Research, November-December 2022, 3420-3431.

"Continuous Implementation with Direct Revelation Mechanisms", joint with Yi-Chun Chen and Mallesh Pai, Journal of Economic Theory, April 2022, 201.

"The Welfare Costs of Informationally Efficient Prices", joint with Moran Koren, Games and Economic Behavior, January 2022, 131, 186-196.

"A General Analysis of Sequential Social Learning", joint with Itai Arieli, Mathematics of Operations Research, November 2021, 46 (4), 1235-1249.

"A general analysis of boundedly rational learning in social networks", joint with Claudia Neri, Theoretical Economics, January 2021, 16 (1), 317-357. 

"Social Learning Equilibria", joint with Elchanan Mossel, Allan Sly and Omer Tamuz, Econometrica, May 2020, Pages 1235-1267.

"Multi-Dimensional Social Learning", joint with Itai Arieli, Review of Economic Studies,  May 2019, Pages 913–940.

"Local Openness: Characterization of a Robustness Concept for Generic Sets in Function Spaces", Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2018, 173-178. 

"Inferring Beliefs from Actions", Games and Economic Behavior, March 2017, 455-461, joint with Itai Arieli.

"Social Learning with Costly Search", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2016, 83-109, joint with Mallesh Pai.

"Does one Bayesian Make a Difference?", Journal of Economic Theory, November 2014, 423-452.

"A General Framework for Rational Learning in Social Networks", Theoretical Economics, January 2013, 8(1), 1-40.

Older working papers (some partly but not fully incorporated in later work):

"Manipulating Opinions in Social Networks", October 2018. 

"Eliciting Beliefs from Optimal Portfolios", joint with Itai Arieli, November 2017. 

"Truthful Continuous Implementation", joint with Yi-Chun Chen and Mallesh Pai, January 2018.

"Robust Non-Bayesian Learning", September 2017.

"Informational versus allocational efficiency of prices", February 2017.

"Price Efficiency and Welfare", January 2016.

"A General Model of Boundedly Rational Observational Learning: Theory and Evidence", joint with Claudia Neri, August 2015.

"Do Online Social Networks Increase Welfare", joint with Mallesh Pai, October 2014.

"Social Learning in Networks: Theory and Experiments", joint with Claudia Neri, December 2013.

"Reaching Consensus in Social Networks", November 2013.

"Religious Institutions and the Creation of Economic Societies", July 2013.

"Market Power, Fully Revealing Prices and Welfare", October 2012.

"Generic Outcomes of Observational Learning", joint with Itai Arieli, July 2012.

"The Robustness of Consensus in Network-Based Non-Bayesian Learning Models", December 2011.

"A Fixed Point Convergence Theorem and its Application to Non-Bayesian Learning", September 2010.